How does your working day unfold? Do you effectively prioritise your task list so you have plenty of spare time, or are you like the millions of individuals who end up working more and enjoying life less?
For example, did you know that the average small business also spends a whopping 120 hours per year on administration, with 20% of that time being taken up doing your accounts?
And, research from the University of Illinois found that when at work, we check our emails 36 times an hour (on average). It then takes around 16 minutes to get back on track after responding to an inbox ping (just think how that can add up!).
The result of this, especially for small businesses owners and the self-employed, is your precious evenings and weekends are then spent catching up on the work you just couldn’t get to during the 9 to 5.
But what if there was another way? What if you could reduce the time spent on work admin so you can get back to doing the things you love? We’ve taken a look at some of the best ways to conquer the admin To Do list so you can make the most of every day.